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2024 FREE to Low Cost Community Events

Welcome 2024! Here's the new schedule for this year's Free to Low-Cost Community Events.

(Please note) events dates/ times could alter at any given time. You are best to RSVP by sending a Text to 503-877-8449 to sign up for an event. So, you can be directly updated of any last-minute changes & availability. All advertised Special events must have a mim. of 5 people and weather permitted. Otherwise, you can book a tour for regular cost and go on your time. I provide 101 lessons and group tours up to 11 people.


Oregon Kayak Tours LLC & Salem Kayak Club Members on Facebook

FREE to LOW-COST Community Events and Free Salem Kayak Club to join on Facebook.

 (Text 503-877-8449) see event details and purchase of ticket required on website 



DATES: (Community Events)

JANURARY 1st  New Years Day Paddle, Free or $10 kayak rentals (shuttling gear included @ Estacada Lake TIME: 10AM-2PM MUST RSVP


FEBRUARY 14th  Valentines Day Paddle, $5 to RSVP or $25 if you need Kayak Rental, (Shuttling gear included @ Silverton Reservoir /TIME: 10:30AM – 1:30PM Prizes for best dress and best dress kayak, hot cider & treats


MARCH 17TH  St. Patty Paddle $5 to RSVP or $25if you need Kayak Rental, (Shuttling gear included) @ Silverton Reservoir /TIME: 10:30AM – 1:30PM MUST RSVP Prizes for best dress and best dress kayak giveaway, & treats.


MAY 20th thru May 23rd (Salem Kayak CLUB members only)

Chiloquin Kayak Camping Trip @ Wood River/ Spring Creek/ Malone Springs/ Wood River Wetlands/ Willaimson River. See event details in club. Once book will learn which days and times to expect at which location. See event details in club. (EASY PADDLE)


JUNE 21st (Salem Kayak CLUB Members Only) (ALL DAY EXCURSION) Bring your own sack lunch, dry bag ect.

First Day of Summer CLACKAMAS River Trip / $10 if you need Kayak Rental, (Shuttling gear included) otherwise (Must have a sit on top) or $10


JUNE 24th thru 27th (Salem Kayak CLUB Members Only) Kayak

Cascades Mountains Kayak Camping Trip @Hosmer, Devils Lake, Sunset at Sparks Lake, Waldo Lake, see event details in club. Once book will learn which days and times to expect at which location. See event details in club.  (EASY PADDLE)


JULY 19th BBQ Agate Rock Contest @Wheatland Ferry /TIME: 11AM-3PM MEAL TICKET REQUIRED $12 to RSVP or $37 if you need Kayak Rental, (Shuttling gear  & meal ticket included ) see event details and purchase of ticket required on website


JULY 30th AUGUST 2nd  (Salem Kayak CLUB Members Only)

Coast Kayak Camping Trip @ Florence MUST RSVP CAMPING Trip Optional/ day trip. Sweet Creek, Bending Landing, Siltcoos River to Ocean, Cleawox Lake as our paddle sights. Meeting times and details will be given once you book. See event details in club. (EASY PADDLE)


AUGUST 6th  $10 PER CHILD Kids Kayak Lessons & BBQ for 12yr & under @ Wheatland Ferry Westside/ TIME SLOTS by reservations (limit 6 kids per time slot) 1PM, 1:40PM, 2:20PM, 3:40PM, 4:20PM. MUST RSVP, Paddle boards available for parents with younger kids, must provide life vest PFD under 6yrs


AUGUST 9th Fiesta Tacos at the Narrows @West Linn /TIME: 10:00AM – 2:30PM TICKET REQUIRED MEAL TICKET REQUIRED $12 to RSVP or $37 if you need Kayak Rental, (Shuttling gear & meal ticket include) prize giveaway


AUGUST 30th  WESTERN KAYAK EVENING (POT LUCK) (Salem Kayak Club Members only)

Music, Prizes for best dress and more! See club for event details. Times TBA,  (( OFF THE WATER BY SUNSET ))


AUGUST 27th (Salem Kayak Club Members Only) Must have lights on your kayak, see club for which kind.

Last Day of Summer SUNSET NIGHT PADDLE. Bring your own (free) or $25 to rent a kayak. Shuttling & Gear included /TIME: TBA details to come


SEPTEMBER 2nd BBQ LABOR DAY FLOATY FLOAT PADDLE, KAYAK VOLLEYBALL, PRIZES /TIME: 11AM-3PM TICKET REQUIRED MEAL TICKET REQUIRED $12 to RSVP or $37 if you need Kayak Rental, (Shuttling gear & meal ticket include ) prize giveaways, best float, music & fun! Launch Salem/Take out at Keizer Rapids


OCTOBER 5th HALLOWEEN costume contest, Kayak volleyball @Riverfront $5 TO RSVP OR $15 FOR A KAYAK RENTAL GEAR INCLUDED> / TIME 12:30PM -3:30PM Prizes for best dress, best dress kayak, best couple dress. Prizes for kayak volleyball winners and treats, music and fun!



BOTH SAME DAY TRIP to Clear Lake & Eugene Canoe Trail and another day for Tualatin River Fall Excursion

3-4 day Coast Kayak Camping Trip @ Florence MUST RSVP CAMPING Trip Optional/ day trip. Sweet Creek, Bending Landing, Siltcoos River to Ocean, Cleawox Lake as our paddle sights. Meeting times and details will be given once you book. See event details in club. (EASY PADDLE) TBA DATES


NOVEMEBR 28th Thanksgiving Paddle $5 TO RSVP OR $15 FOR A KAYAK RENTAL & SHUTTLING GEAR INCLUDED> @ Silverton Reservoir/ TIME 10:15AM-1:30PM Prize giveaways, hot apple cider and donuts


NOTE: for free excursion opportunities, must be a Club member and wait for pop up opportunities posted by Oregon Kayak Tours LLC/ Shannon

  SCAN QR CODE for BIZ CARD, LINKS to Websites/ FB Salem KAYAK Club     

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